What You Should Know Before Whitening Your Teeth

Whitening is one of the most common cosmetic dental procedures that improves the appearance of your teeth by removing staining and discoloration. It is often used as a way to brighten your smile and boost your self-confidence. But there are some things that should be kept in mind before whitening your teeth.

You should also know that white stains and stains on your gums are usually caused by an infection or illness such as gingivitis, periodontal disease or tooth decay. These can be treated and then the whitening procedure can proceed as normal. If these conditions are not treated first, the whitening process can be more difficult and may not achieve the desired results.

If you are planning to have any dental work done such as crowns or bridges, it is best to wait until after the whitening process is complete. This is because these prosthetics do not lighten like natural teeth do. The dentist can then match the colour of the prosthetics to the new lighter shade of your natural teeth.

The most common method for whitening teeth is professional bleaching. The dentist will put a rubber shield or gel on your gums to protect them, and then place the whitening product on the surface of your teeth. This is typically hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, and as the active ingredient breaks down, oxygen gets into the enamel on your teeth and the tooth colour is made lighter.

Bleaching is generally safe for most people. However, there are some situations where the whitening treatment may cause discomfort or pain. This is usually a result of the chemical solution being too strong or frequent and can be treated with anti-inflammatory medication. It is also possible for the whitening treatment to cause temporary sensitivity or irritation of the soft tissues of the mouth, such as the tongue and gums. These symptoms are usually short-lived and will resolve within a few days of stopping or completing the treatment.

There are also a number of home-based Whitening products that can be bought over the counter. However, these are less effective than professional bleaching. They are also not as safe as the products sold by the dentist. The American Dental Association warns against the use of over-the-counter bleaching kits, which contain too much hydrogen peroxide and can damage your teeth if used for an extended period of time.

Although whitening is a popular cosmetic dentistry procedure, there are some limits to what it can do. It can remove most stains and discolouration, but it will not lighten stains that are caused by a root canal or other dental treatments such as fillings. It is also not as effective for people who smoke or drink coffee, red wine and other deeply coloured foods. It is important to keep in mind that your teeth will stain again with regular eating and drinking, so you will need to periodically carry out a whitening treatment to maintain the bright smile you desire.

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